+33 (0)4 78 56 79 38 contact@adnucleis.com

Our PCR kits breeding

Discover our various PCR kits for breeding analysis, available for manual use and also in our Séquence range.

Our kits available

Breeding qPCR kits

BVD (ANSES-certified)Ear biopsy
Influenza type ANasopharyngeal swab
PRRS EUSemen, EDTA blood
PRRS NASemen, EDTA blood


48 reactions tube


14 reactions strip

Sold in packets of 5


1 reaction strip

Sold in packets of 10


* : The batch mode bag contains 5 strips x 14 reactions (including 1 positive control + 1 negative control). It works with the Sequence Pro robot and allows a total of 70 analyses to be carried out (1 strip allows the same target to be searched for on 14 different samples. The bag contains 5 strips, so you can perform up to 5 analyses on 14 different samples).

** : The individual mode sachet is made up of 10 strips x 1 reaction. It works with the Séquence Pro robot and can be used to perform 10 analyses (1 strip is used to search for 1 target in 1 sample. The bag contains 10 strips, so you can perform 10 analyses separately).


Contact Us

Parc Cap Ouest, 24 B rue du Stade, 69290 Grezieu la Varenne


Tel: +33(0)4 78 56 79 38
