+33 (0)4 78 56 79 38 contact@adnucleis.com

Our DNA and RNA extraction solutions

With our ready-to-use kits, save time thanks to the simultaneous extraction of DNA and RNA!


Our extraction solutions are available in two versions:

– one for difficult matrices such as blood, sperm or cerebrospinal fluid, the PURITY

– one standard for other matrices, the LIBERTY

Our extraction kits are all CE IVD certified.

Our packaging

96 reactions bottles

Download the user manual below:

14 or 24 reactions tubes*

Download the user manual below:

1 reaction strip*

Sold in packets of 10 reactions.

Download the user manual below:

*This packaging is also available for our robot SéquencePro.


Contact Us

Parc Cap Ouest, 24 B rue du Stade, 69290 Grezieu la Varenne


Tel: +33(0)4 78 56 79 38
